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Riverhead Infants' School

Nurturing Inquiring Minds

Ofsted Reports

The most recent Ofsted inspection was March 2023.  The full report can be found below.

Ofsted Inspection March 2023 - Summary

Pupils are very happy and enjoy coming to school.  They are confident and keen to talk about their learning.  They are respectful of each other and know the importance of being kind.


Leaders have high expectations for all pupils. In many subjects, pupils are achieving very well.  The vast majority of pupils learn to read fluently.  They regularly take part in story time and like to talk about books they are reading.  They are eager to share their work and talk about the different activities they have taken part in.


The curriculum that leaders have designed is ambitious for all. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils achieve highly in some subjects. Children in the early years learn the skills they need to be ready for their next steps. Leaders have carefully considered what it is pupils need to be able to do. They have thoughtfully selected activities that are closely linked to the key areas of learning. As a result, children are thriving.


Leaders prioritise keeping children safe and have developed a robust system of reporting. They have ensured that these processes mean any pupils who need support are quickly identified, and help is provided swiftly. All staff have detailed knowledge of how they can report any concerns and how they can identify risks. Leaders have made sure that staff are also aware of any wider risks. Governors monitor the processes in the school effectively and have a clear understanding of safeguarding. Pupils know who to talk to if they have any concerns and do so without hesitation.

To view our latest End of KS1 Assessment Analysis, please visit the Statutory Information page of this web site.

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