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Riverhead Infants' School

Nurturing Inquiring Minds

School Day Times, Term Dates and Lunch Menus


Breakfast Club Opens - 7.50am

School Gates Open  - 8.30am approx

School bell -  8.40am 

Registration - 8.50am


Note: Please could parents and carers wait either at the EYFS gate or behind the blue lines in the middle of the path for the bell to ring, before going to the classroom doors.


People arriving after 8.55am will be directed to the school office as registration will have already started.


Morning Break - 10.30 - 10.50am 

Lunchtime for Reception - 11.45am - 1.00pm 

Lunchtime for Yr 1 & 2 - 12.00 - 1.00pm


End of school day:

Gates open 3.10pm approx

Classroom doors open - 3.15pm

Gates close - 3.25pm

Total weekly hours - 32½ per week.


Note: Please could parents and siblings stand back from classroom doors if they are not open to allow teachers to dismiss in a timely fashion.


We would kindly ask that parents and carers vacate the playground as quickly as possible to enable after-school clubs to access outside and commence their sessions.



Monday – Whole School Assembly

Thursday – Singing Assembly

Friday – Celebration Assembly.  Children's achievements are celebrated.  

Term Dates

To view the latest term dates, please click on the link below.

School Lunches

Our school lunches are provided by our own catering staff.  They provide a variety of delicious hot meals and cater for all allergies.  If you would like more information about our school lunches and breakfast and after school tea, please email the school office,


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Worships Hill,
TN13 2AS
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