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Riverhead Infants' School

Nurturing Inquiring Minds

British Values

It is everybody’s responsibility “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.


At Riverhead Infants’ School these values are promoted in the following ways:-



We have a School Council where members are voted for each year by their peers.  Two children from each Year One and Two classes are represented.  Candidates write their manifesto outlining why they think they would be a good member of the School Council.  Their class decide who will best represent them through a fair ballot.  Children understand that a place on the School Council comes with the responsibility of representing the needs and interests of their class friends.


As a British Value, Democracy is taught during assemblies and PSHE sessions.

Children have opportunities to express their views in school through Pupil Voice on the School Council.


For more information about this year’s School Council representative, please click on the following link


The Rule of Law

Behaviour and safety at Riverhead Infants’ School are consistently strong and are a priority for the entire school community.  Children know what is expected of them and why our Golden Rules are so important.  They know what the consequences are if they do not follow them as the sanctions from our Positive Behaviour Policy are clearly displayed in the classrooms.


Children at Riverhead Infants’ School proudly uphold our values.  Children also understand that their behaviour and regard for the rules extend beyond the school itself, such as acting as school ambassadors while on school trips.


Individual Liberty

Riverhead Infants’ School is a safe place for children and we strive to cultivate an atmosphere in which children can make choices about their school life in a supportive learning environment.


We prepare them for making their own risk assessments for their later lives in modern Britain through interaction and support which includes: Termly Safety Days, School Council, Think U Know, Friendship Posts, and transition procedures including Transition Buddies.


From the very start of their education, children are encouraged to be autonomous by giving them ownership of their own learning.  Children regularly have next steps shared with them, whether verbally or with written feedback in books so they know exactly what they can do to progress.  Children learn in a safe nurturing environment, with clear boundaries, within which they may make choices.


Mutual Respect

Our School values of equality ad appreciation of diversity with active inclusive practice underpin mutual respect.  Children live these values in their daily school life with care and consideration.  The children and all school staff understand our values and work in a manner that encourages everyone to achieve to their best.  Assemblies regularly include “Respect” and pupils have been part of discussions related to what this means and how we show it in different contexts.  When a child does well, their achievement is celebrated and rewarded either by being nominated as a “Star of the Week” in achievement assemblies or achievement being recorded in the Golden Book.


Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Children have an entitlement to learn about faiths.  At Riverhead Infants’ School we promote a balanced approach to Religious Education that is broadly Christian, but takes account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions represented in Britain.  Through regular whole school assemblies we celebrate and learn about numerous religious festivals that happen throughout the school year.  We have links in the local community that support teaching of different faiths and beliefs.  We respond to national and international events at an age appropriate level.  Children are explicitly taught about different faiths in Religious Education lessons and during whole school assemblies.  Tolerance and understanding are explored during circle time lessons.  Through these lessons children develop respect for others; developing strong and lasting relationships that promote cohesion.  We are lucky that we are rich on both cultures and languages, with twelve home languages represented.

Please click on the following link to access more information and practical advice on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation,

British Values

We are so lucky to live in such a diverse country, where people of different faiths, beliefs and backgrounds can live peacefully together. 


The children have been discussing British Values and what it means to them to be British, in their circle time.  They have been talking about The Rule of Law and why it is important to have rules and abide by them, using our Golden Rules as examples.  We would like to thank Poppy’s mum for coming into to talk to the children about her job as a policewoman and how the police help us.


During our “School Council” week.  Year One and Two children have been writing their manifestos to explain why they would be an excellent representative on the school council, discussing the election process, democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.  We will soon be holding a voting ballot to choose our next School Council Committee, the results of which will be posted on the web site.

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