Parents in Partnership with the School
Parent and Family Support
Parents, Grandparents and Carers play a vital part in our school joining us for educational visits and supporting learning activities, such as sewing, library and gardening.
To help us enhance our cultural curriculum they often join us to share the customs and heritage of the diverse range of countries from which so many originate.
There are many ways to support school life at Riverhead Infants:
To support the School and Staff
- Extra help on Educational trips.
- Helping in class or in school clubs.
- Craft events e.g. help with sewing, large projects.
- Story reading.
- Collect vouchers.
- Contribute to our recycling centre e.g. stamps, batteries etc.
To support Children's education.
- Complete set homework.
- Read regularly and listen to reading.
- Attend all meetings.
- Supply correct uniform.
- Be punctual, even early to allow children to de-stress.
- Offer a good diet to children.
- Communicate with teachers.
- Support child with their targets.
To support the PTA.
- Volunteer for events that benefit the school and your child.
- Bake for fundraising events.
- Maintenance of school i.e. planting flowers, picking up rubbish etc.
- Offer expertise i.e. journalism, computer skills, accountancy, fundraising, art and crafts etc.
To support each other.
- Help children and parents to integrate and respect each other.
- Invitations to play or to tea to help children make new friends and to socialise.
- Hold coffee mornings and attend social events so parents feel supported.
Parent Forums
At Riverhead Infants' School we are proud of our "open door" policy and interaction and communication with parents. We invite parents to Parent Forum meetings to discuss issues relating to school such as curriculum subjects, school uniform and attendance.
Report to Parents and Consultations
Opportunities are provided in the autumn, spring and summer terms for parents of KS1 children to have appointments with their child’s teacher to discuss aspects of their education. These take place late afternoon and early evening to enable working parents to attend. There are also two other occasions such as open afternoons where parents are welcomed into their child’s classroom.
Reception parents are invited to parent consultation appointments five times a year. During term’s three and five, parents are invited to join their child in class to participate in the learning.
If you have any concerns connected with your child’s education you are asked to make an appointment to see your child’s Teacher at a mutually convenient time.
At the end of the school year, you will receive a written report on your child’s attainment and progress during the past year. In Reception this includes information about the Early Learning Goals and whether children have achieved a Good Level of Development. In Year One we inform parents whether their children have met the end of year objectives. In Year Two we report the level of attainment achieved in the National Curriculum subjects of English, mathematics and science.
As required, we provide you each year with the summary of the Year Two results to confirm the levels of attainment at the end of Key Stage 1. This can be found in the "Our School'" Section of this web site under "Statutory Requirements".