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Riverhead Infants' School

Nurturing Inquiring Minds

A Gallery of School Events

This section of the website shows events that occur across the whole school, capturing the moments as soon after they happen as possible.

Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve Trip

Our Year Two classes enjoyed a trip to the Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve last week. They made some extraordinary discoveries when pond dipping, such as Water Scorpions, Rams-horns Snails and dragonfly nymphs. After lunch the children went bug hunting in the environmental garden where they got to see Heron's nesting in the trees.

Trip to Kent Life

Reception classes went on their first school trip to Kent Life hunting for mini beasts in their glorious gardens. The children got to explore the historic village, ride on a tractor and visit the farm animals.

Lego Workshop

Year One took part in a Lego Workshop by The children were shown how to construct a fairground ride using algorithms and then program it to follow their instructions. They thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and the Lego man was extremely impressed by their ability to build and construct independently!

NSPCC Numbers Day

On the 23rd February our children kindly helped raise money for the NSPCC by bringing in as many coins as they could find.  They all had great fun laying their coins out along the field and we were all amazed at how many there were, they filled our running track twice!  £1019.31 was raised for this important charity.

Chinese New Year Assembly

Mrs Gibbins and her pupils from Mandarin Club hosted a wonderful Assembly on the Chinese New Year where they showed their Chinese crafts and talked about how the Chinese celebrate New Year with lots of various food and colours; red which represents luck and gold which represents prosperity. This Chinese New Year started on 10th February and finished on 24th February and is the year of the Dragon.

Odd Socks Day

This year's Anti-Bullying week theme was "Make a Noise About Bullying". The children wore their "odd socks" to school to raise awareness of bullying - it's O.K. to be different. They discussed how people are different and what makes us all unique. How we can be kind to each and what we can do to help someone who is being bullied.

Around the World Workshop

The KS1 children took part in a wonderful workshop about "Around the World". They were given three clues and had to work out which country they were visiting. Then they boarded their aeroplane and the clues took them to Australia! They learnt all about the traditions, animals and people who live there and also discovered how hot it gets!

Welcoming Jordan Catchpole

A real highlight in Term Two was the visit from Paralympic Athlete, Jordan Catchpole.  Jordan visited the children and led an assembly for the children about his experiences and achievements as a Gold Medal winning swimmer in Tokyo back in 2021.

Watching and listening to Jordan speak to the children, we were inspired by all of the things he had accomplished in his field in such a relatively short space of time. It was also striking to listen to Jordan being very open about his ASD diagnosis and an important reminder about those who live their lives with disabilities that are not immediately obvious to those around them.  

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