Our Links with the Local Community
We enjoy close links with our local community and make every effort to participate actively. Ministers from local churches regularly lead Acts of Worships and linked theatre groups share the Christian message through exciting productions and assemblies.
Our PCSOs play an integral part in supporting the teaching of safety curriculum, as do the Fire Brigade.
Close links are maintained with numerous local Pre-Schools and Nurseries, some of whom join us for the highlights of our year such as the Christmas Nativity and the Easter Bonnet Parade.
At our Harvest Celebration and the Summer Pageant we are always delighted to be joined by residents from local homes for the elderly, some of whom we have had links with for many years.
Singing at Rivermere
Our choir had their first official recital at Rivermere, and they entertained everyone with some Harvest songs. The residents really did enjoy the performance and even joined in with the action songs.

Celebrating St. George's Day
It was also lovely to see our Rainbows and Beavers dressed in their uniforms to celebrate St. George's Day. The children looked really smart and were proud to represent their clubs.

Woodland Creatures!
Councillor Smith came into school to judge the KS1 competition to design woodland
creatures that could be turned into wood carvings and join the lions in Montreal Park. There were lots of fantastic entries, ranging from rabbits to hedgehogs and birds to squirrels, but in the end there could be only two winners and Councillor Smith was delighted to award the prizes to Iris in Year One and Marcus in Year Two. We look forward to seeing their butterfly and fox inspired carvings joining the lions in the near future.

Art in Architecture
We were delighted to be asked to attend an exhibition in memory of the late architect Roger Fitzgerald entitled ‘Art in Architecture’. Mr. Fitzgerald was a local Sevenoaks resident and passionate advocate for the town; he was also the man responsible for designing our wonderful school building. Sadly, Mr. Fitzgerald passed away last year and the exhibition at the Kaleidoscope Galley celebrated some of his favourite and most iconic work – including Riverhead Infants’ School! Some of our Year Two School Councillors represented the school as they were introduced to the work of Roger FitzGerald and they reciprocated the invitation by asking the curators of the exhibition to visit us for tea!

SDC Cycling and Walking Improvement Launch
It was lovely to welcome representatives from Sevenoaks District Council into school to launch a strategy which identifies cycling and walking improvements all over Sevenoaks. The aim of this work is to create attractive and safer routes and to get people out of their cars for short journeys. One of the routes identified connects Riverhead Infants' School with other schools across the urban area. This will provide a safe route to Sevenoaks railway station and some of our children who consistently scoot or cycle to school were chosen to take part in some photographs promoting the project.

St. Mary's Church
Our School Councillors decorated our Christmas tree for the St. Mary's Church Christmas Festival. It is such a lovely event and the children really enjoy taking part in it.
Rev. Finn also regularly visits us to take some of our religious assemblies.

CleanUp Weekend
Well done to the Keane and Craddock families who took part in the Sevenoaks Clean Up Weekend. The weekend was organised by a group of volunteers to raise awareness, educating future generations and keeping our beautiful district clean and tidy.

Eco Club were asked, by the Parish Council, to name the new magnificent addition to the woodland area last week. They thought of names such as “Face Man”, “Fairy Tree”, “Mr Oakley” and “Head Man”. The name which everyone decided on was Mr. Oakley.