Weekly Celebrations
Stars of the Week
Each week during our Friday Achievement Assembly, a child from each class is nominated by their teacher to be the “star of the week”. They are presented with a certificate and pencil and they are congratulated by the whole school.
The Golden Book
Mr King keeps a Golden Book and children who regularly demonstrate exceptional work linked to our are entered into it. They receive a certificate and sticker and are congratulated by the whole school in Friday's achievement assembly.
Our School Rules
Friendly – I am polite and kind to others.
Safe – I am safe and I keep others safe.
Focused – I listen and try my best with my learning.
Each of the key words (Friendly, Safe, Focused) is designed to encapsulate a different element of school life and inform the children’s interactions with both the people and the environment around them. Each class discusses their understanding of these words and uses them to inform their own classroom charters – considering how each member of the class can contribute to their overall success.
Each child has to earn ten stickers, linked to the School Rules which they stick on their cards. Once their card is full, they are awarded Golden Tea with Mr. King or a member of SLT.