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Riverhead Infants' School

Nurturing Inquiring Minds



Jigsaw - The Mindful Approach to PSHE

What is PSHE Education?
PSHE Education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young
people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their
lives – now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE Education
develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family
members and members of society.

What do Schools have to teach in PSHE Education?
According to the latest guidance from the government, via the National Curriculum,
every schools needs to have a broad and balanced curriculum that
• promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils
at the school and of society, and
• prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and
experiences of later life’
• promotes British values

The Puzzles and what Children learn.
Being Me In My World includes understanding my own identity and how I fit well in the class, school and global community. Rights and responsibilities. Jigsaw charter established.

Celebrating Difference includes anti-bullying, similarities and differences.

Dreams and Goals includes goal-setting, identifying successes and achievements, overcoming obstacles.

Healthy Me includes medicine/household safety, healthy lifestyle choices, linking health and happiness.

Relationships includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.

Changing Me includes animal and human lifecycles, changes since being a baby, differences between male and female bodies, coping with change/transitions.

Please click on the links below to see our PSHE policies:-


Appendix 1 of this Policy - Statutory Relationships and Health Education is password protected.  If you would like a "hard copy" please contact the school office,

Stop, Drop and Roll

In term two the children learnt about the dangers of fire and how we keep safe around fires. They learnt about the "stop, drop and roll" method. How to prevent fires. Who will help us if there is a fire and what number we should ring for the fire brigade. They transferred this information onto some colourful and informative posters.

Relationship Subject

Term Five's PSHE subject was about relationships with ourselves, our family and our friends. The children discussed what being a good friend means and how to make new friends. Identifying some of the things that cause conflict with friends.

They also thought about "good secrets", such as keeping a birthday present a surprise, and "worry secrets", and who can help them in the school community if they have any worries or concerns.

Healthy Me!

Term Four's PSHE topic was "Healthy Me". The children learnt about the benefits of a healthy nutritional diet which includes fruit and vegetables.  

Everyone took home a new toothbrush and toothpaste given to the school by Colgate as part of their "Bright Smiles, Bright Futures" scheme.

EYFS made their own "healthy plates", deciding what food they need to make a healthy meal. They also learnt about the importance of sleep!

Year One talked about "Medicine Safety". They discussed how medicines help us if we are poorly and how we can help ourselves when we are feeling unwell.

Year Two continued to learn about different foods, sorting them into the correct food groups and learning which foods their bodies need every day to keep them healthy. They also took part in a food tasting session and learnt how to recognise ways that make them feel relaxed when they are stressed.

Healthy Me also covers emotional health, and the children discussed how they recognised different feelings and who to ask for help and who can help us to stay safe. Positive friendships and relationships are also important and the children were encouraged to play with a range of friends and learnt how to speak about arguments and disagreements. 

Children's Mental Health Week

This year's Children's Mental Health Week was themed "Let's Connect". As a school we talked about making meaningful connections and how having family and friends supports our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. The Year Two children drew round their hands, drew a picture of themselves in the middle, then connected the hand prints in a circle and everyone said what they had in common with the person their hand prints were attached to.

Dreams and Goals

Term Three's PSHE subject was "Dreams and Goals" which is very apt as we started a new year and made our resolutions! Whatever we are decide to change in our lives - healthier eating, more exercise, better sleep - we reminded ourselves to be realistic. Starting off with small successes will help ensure a longer term more sustainable routine!

During their PSHE lessons, the children thought about their hopes and dreams; what their personal strengths are, and how to overcome challenges. To introduce the term's puzzle they wrote their future aspirations on the back of a rainbow which were displayed in their classrooms.

Celebrating Differences

PSHE encompasses several aspects of our school curriculum.  Our Jigsaw PSHE Education curriculum is taught across each year group with each class working on the same theme.

In Term Two the theme was "Celebrating Differences". We focused on similarities and differences in our school community and in the wider world. We discussed how it is everyone's right to be different, linked to the protected characteristics. The children also talked about "bullying" which linked to the term's Golden Rule of "We are kind and helpful" - getting on and falling out. For our Anti-Bullying week, everyone came to school wearing their odd socks to raise awareness bullying.

We have had some some wonderful art projects brought into school that represented the term's focus.  Gabriel in Beech Class made a fantastic "House of Differences".

During our National Road Safety Week - No Need to Speed, the children discussed how to keep safe on the roads especially during the winter months. They sequenced the safety order of how to cross the road, stop, look, listen, think.

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